by Mike | Aug 10, 2017 | News
Foundation Announces 2017 Funds Distribution Due to healthy investment returns, the Board of Trustees of the Independent Catholic Foundation recently approved a distribution percentage of 4.5% for each of its 250 permanent endowments. This percentage is based on the...
by Mike | Aug 9, 2017 | News
New Endowments Added During the past five years the number of endowments held by the Foundation has enjoyed steady growth. So far this fiscal year (2015-16) the Foundation has added one new endowment which bring the total number to 241. The new endowments benefit a...
by Mike | Aug 8, 2017 | News
New High School Scholarships Added Unbeknownst to each another, graduating classes of 1960 of each high-school (now Bishop Guilfoyle and Bishop McCort Catholic High Schools) have created new scholarship endowments. This past summer each class had reunions and...