Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Click on each question to view the corresponding answer. If you have a question that does not appear on this page, please “Contact Us” with your question.
What is a Permanent Endowment?
View all of our permanent endowments and download a sample endowment agreement on our Permanent Endowments webpage.
What is the minimum contribution required to create a Permanent Endowment with the Independent Catholic Foundation?
An individual or family can create a Permanent Endowment, named in honor or memory of loved ones, with $10,000 payable over a three-year term.
How does the Independent Catholic Foundation invest the principal of a Permanent Endowment?
Is there a fee to administer an Endowment with the Independent Catholic Foundation?
Is there a complete list of the Foundation’s Permanent Endowments?
Yes, we regularly update our Permanent Endowments web page.
Is the Foundation governed by any Catholic diocese?
How does the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown benefit from the Independent Catholic Foundation?
Can I create a Permanent Endowment for a Catholic organization beyond the boundaries of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown?
Where can I find a sample of a Catholic Living Will?
Doesn't a charitable gift to a Foundation endowment compete with parish offertory?
All visionary, vibrant organizations seek financial support for both current and future needs. A parish endowment fueled by memorial contributions and bequests allows faithful Catholics to support the parish long after their earthly journeys have concluded.