Catholic Investing

Because we are a Catholic public charity serving Catholics, our Board of Trustees is committed to investing our entire endowment portfolio according to the ethical, moral and social teachings of the Catholic Church. Without applying Catholic screens, secular investments would support companies that promote abortion, contraception, fetal stem cell research, human trafficking, child labor, pornography and other sinful causes.  By applying Catholic screens to the ICF portfolio, our investments protect human life, promote human dignity, enhance the common good, pursue economic justice and care for God’s creation. 

Some would argue that Catholic screens reduce earnings, but our historical returns prove this to be false. In the 10-year period ending September 30, 2023, our 5.8% annualized returns net of fees matched the secular benchmarks. We will never apologize for prioritizing faith over returns.

Our Catholic screenings comply with the US Conference of Catholic Bishops socially responsible investment guidelines that are available for review here.  You may also download our printed narrative at the bottom of this page.

Our commitment to faith-based investment practices is another reason why the Independent Catholic Foundation has become the preferred steward of many parishioners’ legacies throughout Central Pennsylvania.

10-Year Endowment Performance
A $10,000 endowment created with us in 2013, after ten years, would have seen the permanent principal grow 0.93% while producing cumulative distributions equal to 49.7% of the initial deposit to support your designated Catholic cause(s). In other words, the initial gift remains (with modest growth) while almost half of its initial value would have supported your cherished Catholic cause.

Mensuram Bonam – A Good Measure

In 2022, the Vatican published a roadmap for faith-based investing. We provide two documents below. One is a summary of Christian Brothers Investment Services adaptation of MB and the other is the full document from the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

Catholic Investing Overview

CBIS White Paper on Mensuram Bonam

May 14 2024 Summit Slides

Mensuram Bonam

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