A Blair County individual who believed that every life is precious ensured her concern would benefit current and future generations by creating an endowment with a charitable gift in her last will (bequest).

This permanent endowment fund will provide annual financial resources for the general needs of Catholic pro-life organizations whose primary purpose is to prevent abortions, to assist expectant mothers or to foster a respect for life from the moment of conception until natural death. Preference will be given to those agencies providing services within the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown.

If you have a desire to assist agencies who care for babies and their mothers, please consider a gift of any amount to the Independent Catholic Foundation, 3618 5th Avenue, Suite 1, Altoona, PA 16602. Please include a note designating the gift to the Respect Life Endowment. The earnings from your gift will lift up these agencies every year forever.


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