We are pleased to announce a new online catalog featuring 280 endowment funds. The main webpage is organized by these categories (number of endowments in parentheses):

  • Parish Endowments (61)
  • Music Ministry (3)
  • Vocations (8)
  • Religious Orders (3)
  • Life & Justice (8)
  • Cemetery Perpetual Care (60)
  • Schools – General Support (20)
  • K-12 Scholarships (82)
  • College Scholarships (12)
  • Campus Ministry (2)
  • Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown Ministries (2)
  • Multiple Beneficiary Organizations (6)

A search bar allows you to jump to a specific endowment. Clicking a “Donate” button opens a dedicated endowment webpage. A shopping cart allows you to contribute to multiple funds.

Families, friends, alumni class leaders, parishes or schools can share a fund’s unique webpage at any time to encourage memorial gifts on or around milestone anniversaries or cherished dates of loved ones. The weblinks can also be embedded on parish and school websites. We will add fund photos as we receive them.

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